Adverbial Clause Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Adverbial Clause Dan Contoh Kalimatnya - Adverbial Clause adalah clausa atau anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai keterangan yang menerangkan kata kerja. Clausa adalah anak kalimat artinya kalimat yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.

Fungsi  Adverbial Clause 

Fungsi dari adverbial clause adalah sebagai berikut :

Klausa Waktu / clause of time

a. As soon as : sesegera
b. When : ketika
c. As : saat
d. Since : sejak
e. Before : sebelum
f. After : setelah
g. While : saat
h. Until : sampai

Pengandaian (conditional)

a. If : jika
b. Unless   : jika tidak/kecuali jika
c. If only : seandainya
d. Even if : sekalipun/bahkan jika
e. In case : jikalau

Tujuan (purpose)

a. In order to   : supaya
b. In order that + subject : supaya
c. In the hope that : dengan harapan agar
d. So that   : sehingga
e. So : maka

Sebab  dan  Akibat Clause of Cause and Effect

a. Because   : karena
b. Since  : karena
c. So that : sehingga
d. So : maka

Pertentangan /Clause of Contrast

a. Although : walaupun/meskipun
b. Even though : walaupun
c. Whereas : sedangkan
d. However : bagaimanapun juga
e. Except that : kecuali
f. While : sementara itu
g. Though : walaupun
h. Even if : walaupun

Tempat  / Clause of Place

a. Where : dimana
b. Wherever : dimanapun
c. Everywhere : dimana saja

Cara /Clause of Manner

a. As : seperti
b. As if : seolah-olah
c. As though : seolah-olah
d. Just as : sebagaimana
e. Like   : seperti

Contoh kalimat Adverbial Clause

1. klausa Waktu / clause of time

• wahono plays guitar very loudly when his father come
• joko was taking abath before his mother cooked.
• I make my brother crying since my mother leaves

2. Pengandaian (conditional)

• She will get high score if only study hard
• Asdera doesn’t want to play football even if Sheila coming here
• Kaca will have many car today if only has many account at the bank

3. Tujuan (purpose)

• She is studying hard in order to get high score
• He is hungry so he goes to restaurant
• He often goes to the mosque in order that he will be good moslem

4. Sebab  dan  Akibat Clause of Cause and Effect

• Because study hard, aldi get high score in the exam
• His live is very happy since get merried
• Rossi win the race because often practice day by day

5. Pertentangan /Clause of Contrast

• She still optimize even though always failed
• He is not happy although has much money
• How tobe a richman whereas never work hard

6. Tempat  / Clause of Place

• I will always love you wherever I stand
• I don’t remember where the first time I met you 
• I will never forget you wherever you go

7. Cara /Clause of Manner

• He walks as if he is a model
• Rondy make a cake just as her moms 
• Bowo fighting today as if he is a bruce lee

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