WH-Questions dan Contoh Dalam Kalimatnya

WH-Questions dan Contoh Dalam Kalimatnya - Merupakan kata  Tanya  dalam tata bahasa inggris yang diawali dengan awalan (wh)untuk meminta informasi atau jawaban. jawaban yang diminta dari pertanyaan yang diajukan  dapat berupa waktu, tempat, orang, sebuah alasan, benda atau sebuah cara. Biasanya oleh anak- anak sekolah wh-question ini sering di disebut dengan istilah “lima W satu H”.
WH Questions

Macam –macam WH-Question.

1. Who – Menanyakan Orang

Contoh :
1) Who is your partner in the dance competition?
2) Who will be the winner?
3) Who are they?
4) Who can do it now?
5) Who is your favorit Moto GP rider?

2. Where – Menanyakan Tempat

Contoh :
1) Where do you come from?
2) Where are you from?
3) Where did you buy this book?
4) Where do you get the information?
5) Where is my wallet?

3. Why – Menanyakan Alasan

Contoh :
1) Why are you coming late?
2) Why do you love me?
3) Why did it happen?
4) Why do we come here?
5) Why did you hate me?

4. When – Menanyakan Waktu

Contoh :
1) When did you arrive?
2) When will you go home?
3) When do you held the party?
4) When they will come here?
5) When do we find the gold?

5. What – Menanyakan Hal 

Contoh :
1) What is the matter?
2) What kind of car do you want?
3) What do you want to do now?
4) What is your favorite color?
5) What are they problem?

6. How – Menanyakan Cara atau Jumlah
Contoh :
1) How many cars do you have?
2) How to make a cake?
3) How to get there?
4) How to fix this bike?
5) How to play tennis ?

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